Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The stuff dreams are made of

Upon seeing the faculty/staff performance last Friday, D., my ninth grader, stated, "Mr. B., I don't know if they'll be nightmares or not, but I'll be seeing that in my dreams."

Monday, February 2, 2009

The Pirate Patch

Ever wonder why the pirate wears a patch?

According to the theory of one of my students it is because he needs to keep one eye adjusted to the dark. That way when it gets dark all the pirate has to do is switch the patch over to his other eye and he has one that has already adjusted to the dark.

I ask my student if it wouldn't be just as easy to let both eyes adjust to the dark at the same time. He said that no, it would be better to keep one prepared at all times.


I always post the date on the upper right hand side of my whiteboard. Today was no different. February 2, 2009 was clearly written on the board. Little W., an 8th grader, says "Mr. B., the date is wrong."

I said, "No, it isn't. I just wrote it this morning."

He started shaking his head..."No it can't be right."

I looked at him..."Well, I'm pretty sure it is."

He was almost distraught. His face wrinkled in a frown..."It can't be...It can't be February. It was January when we left on Friday."

I stifled my smile..."You bet it was, W. It was still January on Saturday too but it turned February on Sunday."

He shook his head..."It can't be."

But I noticed later that he had accepted the fact that time marches on.